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BOSEM: Social Science Previous year solved questions 2010 to 2016

Political Science – 13 Marks Important terms Patriarchy : Literally, rule by father, this concept is used to refer to a system that values men more and gives them power over women. Caste hierarchy: A ladder like formation in which all the caste groups are placed from the ‘highest’ to the ‘lowest’ castes. Urbanisation: Shift of population from rural areas to urban areas. Ethnic:  A social division based on shared culture. People belonging to the same ethnic group believe in their common descent because of similarities of physical type or of culture or both. They need not always have the same religion or nationality. Majoritarianism: A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority. Prudential: Based on prudence, or on careful calculation of gains and losses. Prudential decisions are usually contrasted with those decisions based purely on m

Questions: Mathematics 2010 to 2015 (BOSEM)

2015 Mathematics 1.        Let p(x) be any polynomial of degree greater than or equal to one and a   be any real number. If p(x) is divided by the polynomial   x-a , then the remainder is equal to a)        P(-a) b)        P(a) c)        –p(a) d)        –p(-a) 2.        The sum of the roots of the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c   = 0 a)        b/a b)        –b/a c)        c/a d)        –c/a 3.        The 6 th and 17 th terms of an AP are 21 and 54 respectively. The first term of the AP is a)        6 b)        4 c)        3 d)        2 4.        If tan(2 Ѳ +30 o )=cot 3 Ѳ, then Ѳ= a)        5 o b)        10 o c)        11 o d)        9 o 5.        The curved surface area of a right circular cylinder of radius r and height h is a)        πrh b)        πr(h+r) c)        2πrh d)        2πr(h+r) 6.        Define the modulus of a real number.              1 Ans: 7.        Find the canonical decomposition of 1764.

English questions for class XII (COHSEM) 2016

2016 English  Full Marks -100 Pass Marks- 33 SECTION- A 1. Answer the  following questions in about 100-125 words.                                                     8     Describe the Titanic's supremacy of which every maritime nation of the world was envious. Or,   How did one nights' mistake in Rajen's life cost heavily to his family?                                    8 2. Answer the  following questions in about 30-40 words.                                                          2    (a) "Do not begin to quarrel with the world too soon."          Why does Hazlitt say so to his son?    (b) On which conditions did Mrs. Slater ask Henry to wear the new slipper of her father.       2    (c) "But the great difficulty is this"          Who spoke this and why?                                                                                                     2    (d) On what pretext did Rajen avoid earlier business